Thursday, May 30, 2013

Farewell Lip Butter :( !

So in light of the heat we are experiencing I thought this was an appropriate post! Yesterday my mom called to warn me that it was going to get hot and that I should turn the A/C on when it gets too warm in the house. Needless to say I didn't turn it on until it was about 80 degrees in the house! I know, I know. What was I thinking, waiting for it to get that hot! Well last night while I was watching t.v. I decided I should take a look at my lipsticks and make sure none of them were sweating from the heat they had been in. All my lipsticks looked fine, thank goodness! 

The one I was most worried about was my Revlon Lip Butter (in Tutti Frutti) because they melt easily. So I turn up my lip butter to find that it wasn't sweating! YAY! Then it took a turn for the worse. I went to turn the bottom for the lip butter to go down. Well the piece it sits on went down but the lip butter didn't move!!! My mom suggested that I lightly press down on it to set it in place then stick it in the fridge. Well here's what happened when I went to lightly press my lip butter back into place. 

No matter how lightly I pressed it just all bunched up! Trust me it looked worse than this at the end (so bad there was no saving it and it was thrown away). This heat has ruined one of my favorite lippies! Now I must go purchase a new one! Can we say Drug Store shopping trip?!

Stay cool today!

Til next post!!


  1. Oh no!!!! Haha this is exactly what we were talking about. Lip Butters are great for summer....other then the melting :)

    1. I know! Lol, I thought it was ironic how this happened after we talked about them melting lol. It's so unfortunate because I do want more but I don't want this to happen again throughout the summer lol
