Thursday, January 19, 2012

DIY: T-Shirt scarf!

Do you have a bumch of shirts lying around that you can't wear anymore?! Well don't throw them out! Turn them into a trendy scarf!

3 shirts, each a different color

Let's get started!


First you want to choose the 3 shirts you want to use.

Next, you cut the shirt into strips. The more strips you cut, the longer your shirt will be. I cut 10 strips from each shirt, 9 for the scarf and an extra to use for tying it together.

Now you want to take each piece you cut and pull on them so that the roll up.

Now you will "fold" each piece into a circle. (i made my circle a little smaller than the picture, so that they would be tight and not loose)

You will use the extra strip that you cut of each color to cut into smaller strips to tie the circles together.(continue til you reach desired length)
Final product! :)

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