Friday, July 12, 2013

Naturally Radiant Summer Skin Featuring a Guest Writer!

Hey everyone! Today I have a special post for you all. I was recently contacted by Michelle from Skana Spa in New York to do a post about the dangers of the sun and some all natural skin treatments that anyone could make at home. As we all know it is summer and most people are spending a significant amount of time outside under the sun. There can be many dangers associated with prolonged sun exposure and safety should be everyone's primary concern when outside in the sun. Michelle put together a wonderful piece including an exfoliating scrub that you can make on your own at home! 

Hope you enjoy her piece as much as I did!

Naturally Radiant Summer Skin

Healthy, glowing summer skin doesn't happen without some work. Heat makes sweat, and sweat can lead to breakouts. The sun doesn't do the skin too many favors either. Those damaging UV rays can lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Let's face it, the heat and sun are rough on your skin, but radiant summer skin does not have to be difficult or expensive.

Regular exfoliation works wonders to combat the damage that heat and the sun do. Exfoliation helps remove sweat, oil and old, dead skin cells that clog pores and make skin look dull. However thanks to the experts at Skana spa of the New York resort Turning Stone we have a recipe to make your own exfoliating scrub at home.

What you need:

1/4 cup coffee grinds from coffee maker or french press
1/2 cup aloe vera gel
1/2 cup coconut oil

To create your radiant summer skin recipe, begin by straining the coffee grounds. They should not be soaking, but do not have to be completely dry. Next, you will melt the coconut oil in the microwave or on the stove-top. When it is melted, pour it over the coffee grounds and stir. The aloe vera should be added last. This mixture should be set aside to cool at room temperature or can be refrigerated until it has set. The coffee grounds will settle, but as the mixture is setting it can be stirred several times for better consistency. This stirring, however, is optional. Once the mixture is no longer hot, it can be used to exfoliate the skin.

This scrub works best in the shower. It can be used all over the body, particularly on rough areas such as elbows and feet. Areas such as the belly, thighs and bum that tend to develop cellulite could use a little boost from this scrub as well.

For best results, gently scrub in circular motions. Using hands, you will scrub towards your heart. Rinse the skin clean after several minutes of scrubbing with cool water and pat dry with a towel. The face should be scrubbed very gently.

Done twice a week, this all-natural remedy produces beautiful, glowing skin without the use of chemicals. This recipe is effective because of the combination of ingredients. Coffee grounds protect the skin with powerful anti-oxidants and tighten unsightly pores. Coconut oil rehydrates the skin better than most commercial lotions, and being natural is a healthy option. Finally, aloe vera moisturizes and helps fight acne. This quick and easy recipe will leave skin feeling soft, fresh and summer ready!



Did anyone else know that coffee grounds could benefit your skin? I definitely didn't! That was one of the things I learned from her piece. I can't wait to give this scrub a try! If you try it out let me know how you like it!

Thanks so much to Michelle from Skana Spa for putting this piece together!!

Til next post!

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